expected to effect a purposeful juncture. Schmaus and Herxlieimer (7) state that they are to be looked upon in part as atrophic bile ducts Cialis Online Price Comparison and that "the bile ducts grow in a regenerative manner in an attempt to construct Cialis Online Price Comparison a new liver cell, bespeak- FiG. 2. — Showing differences in cytological detail between normal parenchymal cells (dark) and reversionary ones (pale). Fat globules in reverting and reverted cells at f. Medium magnification. ing at the same time the history of the developmen- tal origin of the liver cells." They do not mention the reversionary theory. Cialis Online Price Comparison jt is in the hope of adding yet another link to the chain of evidence supporting the reversionary theory that this finding is reported. The material was obtained from an autopsy on a vulpine phal- anger (Trichosurus vulpecula vulpecula), a small marsupial from Australia which died at the Phila- delphia Zoological Gardens (P. Z. G. 4054). Clini- cally it had shown no symptoms. At autopsy it was strongly jaundiced, the gallbladder was small, and bile ducts were notably dilated and filled by thick gelatinous bile. The liver was apparently below normal size; the whole animal weighed 1,249 grams, the liver fifty-three grams. This cannot be asserted with certainty, however, where given animals are posted at long time intervals. It was finely nodular like a fine morocco leather, rusty brown, jaundice yellow, and hard. The small size of the nodules and their uniformity in size stamps this anatomically, as a nionolobular cirrhosis ; and this, in conjunction with the marked jaundice and catarrhal choledochi- tis suggests that it is a hypertrophic one. The un- settled t|uestion of size is unfortunate ; however, the \alue of this case does not rest so much on this as on the microscopical findings. Microscopical description of liver — sections stained by hematoxylin and eosin: The Cialis Online Price Comparison organic capsule and perilobular fibrous tissue are of about normal weight. Arteries, veins, and associated ducts are Cialis Online Price Comparison normal, the original major ductule being clearly recognizable in nearly every case as accom- panying its proper artery and vein. There are no hitermediate sized ducts between these vascular groups and the pseudcbile canaliculi presently to be described in the lobule. In central parts of lobule the blood cajnllaries are very narrow and contain but few red blood cells, and Kupfer's cells are swollen and loaded with a coarse, granular, golden brown pigment. Parenchymal cells are likewise swollen, finely granular, vaguely outlined, and contain an abundance of very finely granular yellow pigment' and minute vacuoles. Some of the latter contain a diffuse greenish material, in which case their out- FiG. 3. — Taken at juncture of reverting and normal cells; r. c reverting cords; f. r. c, fully reverted cords; s. c, special cords, fuily reverted, showing red blood cells on either side and there- fore bounded by sinuses (s). Very high magnification. lines are indefinite and their contents merge with the cytoplasm. Nuclei are on the whole in good condition — intact, vesicular, and rich in chromatin, and while occasional lysis is noted in extreme Cialis Online Price Comparison 'Sections treated by Perl's test show much finely granular blue material in lobular centres and practically none in the reverted periphery. Coarser, blue green bile pigment is also found in centres not so abundantly as the blue, and contained, like the blue, m both parenchymal and Kupfer's cells. The small amounts of the blue (iron bearing), seen in the peripheral, reverted parts are, even though meager, valuable signs of the original parenchymal nature of these cells. 440 iriilDMAN: KEVEKSIONARY I'.-^hi PoHILE CANALICULI. [New Yokk Medical Jouknal. cenircs of lobules, the severer fragineiuary and pycnotic changes are never shown. These appear- ances are maintained through about half the diame- ter of the lobule, no more markedly in peripheral than in central parts, when suddenly the type of cell changes generally to a ductal one. Out here a scanty librous framework appears between the cords, dense and homogeneous at the extreme perijjhery, loose and fibrillar toward the centre, in which the remnants of the original blood sinusoids apjjear only at more or less scattered intervals, and always in Cialis Online Price Comparison narrowed form, but numerous enough and in favorable ])laces encircling cords in such Cialis Online Price Comparison a way as to leave no doubt as to their sinusoidal nature. They arc certainly not newly formed caj>- ilhiries accompanying the fibrous stroma. They are loo Cialis Online Price Comparison broad and irregular in form for these. Further- more, iron bearing pigment is seen in relation to .some of them, contained in cells having the form of Kupfer's cells. The "ductiform" cells here in the periphery are arranged in closely placed, unifomi sized, rounded, coniiiact alveoli, a little narrower than liver cords elsewhere, and generally showing no lumina. Where a lumen is shown it contains nothing or often a degenerate cell or Cialis Online Price Comparison group of cells still showing their original parenchymatous qualities, among which the presence of fat globules, huge and small, may be mentioned. The cells proper to the alveolus average a little ' smaller than the paren- chyma! ones, and generally a little larger than those of the original true ducts, and are not definitely cuboidal, Cialis Online Price Comparison but rather ]X)lygonal. Their cytoplasms are very pale, rarefied, elect little of the eosin tint, and are generally largely occupied by variously sized, poorly outlined, more or less confluent vacuoles which give them a reticular appearance. Another kind of vacuole is sometimes seen in addition, with sharper outline, so large at times as to give the